Being by Roman Oleh Yaworsky
SpiritUnleashed Publications (First printing, 2007) 9 x 6, 278 pages, acid free paper Copyright © 2007 by Roman Oleh Yaworsky
Order your copy of
Part 1 – The Foundation
Part 2 – Relationship
Part 3 - Regaining Your Center
Excerpt from Young Face, Old FaceYour Postures in Life
The child hiding in the left sideI use the concept ‘inner child’ a lot. By ‘inner child,’ I mean the part of us that first connected with the world and expressed enthusiasm and joy. It is my observation that the left side of the face tends to reveal what has become of this younger and earlier part of ourselves. Not only the left side of the face, but the whole left side of the body expresses to some extent our relationship with the child-like part of our personality. If the face is sadder on this side, if the left shoulder droops a little lower, if that side of the body or the foot is planted a little further behind the right side, then here is an indication that the child side of the personality may be somewhat ignored, or held back. The strutting of the right sideMost people are much more aware of the right side of their own face and of other people’s faces, than they are of the left side of the face. It is the right side of the face that we want other’s to see. If you look at traditional corporate photos, especially gallery shots, you will see, for the most part, people whose bodies are rotated, revealing mostly their right side and hiding most of their left. This is not an accident. It is the right hand that is used to greet and receive people with a hand-shake. You might, during a meeting, get a right-handed pat on the back of the right shoulder. This is the side that acts in the world. This is the side that expresses responsibility, maturity and competence. When two people pass each other and stop to say “Hi, how are you doing?” the typical focus tends to be on the right side of the upper body and head. In fact, the typical focus is often not much different from those gallery shots mentioned earlier . . .
All text and Graphics are Copyright © 2007-2014 by Roman Oleh Yaworsky. No reproduction by any means is permitted.