Being by Roman Oleh Yaworsky
SpiritUnleashed Publications (First printing, 2007) 9 x 6, 278 pages, acid free paper Copyright © 2007 by Roman Oleh Yaworsky
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Part 1 – The Foundation Being Centered: Living from your authentic self The Inner child: Learning to act from your core How Did We Lose Our Inner Child? Young Face, Old Face: Your Postures in Life Part 2 – Relationship The Power of Relationship: Relationship is destiny Healing the Fire Within: Revealing your heart The Heart of the Matter: Recovering your heart Part 3 - Regaining Your Center Regaining your Power: Your own healing journey Direction: Knowing what is in your heart Sin: Separation from your Inner Nature Who carries the responsibility for your life? Addiction: What are you addicted to in your life? Taking Care of What You Hold in your Heart
Excerpt from The Power of RelationshipRelationship is destiny
Life is an ongoing process of relationship. Where we place our focus in relationship, where we place our energy and time, directly affects us in terms of the choices we make and thus our destiny. Our primary relationshipOur primary relationship is in our core, through our spirit. It is a relationship with our essential being, our awareness. Spiritual traditions refer to this as the Self, our Inner Light or the Universal Heart. Our experience of connecting with that being, with that state, can occur in profound moments of our lives. At such times we may experience ecstasy, unfathomable love and a profound sense of connection with the whole of the universe. More often than not, it is our heart that acts as bridge to that experience. Most of the time we experience our core being when our heart is open and we are ready to receive fully. The inner relationship with our heartThe way to achieve that profound connection is to first establish ourselves in our heart. This is why being in the heart is so important. This is why in all spiritual traditions, the heart is emphasized. It is for this reason that the heart and being in the heart is the focus of this book. Once you have established yourself in your heart, the rest of the spiritual journey is open to you. There are many books and traditions that will help you make that journey. But first, you must start with your relationship to your own heart . . .
All text and Graphics are Copyright © 2007-2014 by Roman Oleh Yaworsky. No reproduction by any means is permitted.