Being Centered
by Roman Oleh Yaworsky
SpiritUnleashed Publications (First printing, 2007)
9 x 6, 278 pages, acid free paper Copyright © 2007 by Roman Oleh Yaworsky
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Part 1 – The Foundation
Being Centered: Living from your authentic self
The Inner child: Learning to act from your core
Feelings and Emotions
How Did We Lose Our Inner Child?
Young Face, Old Face: Your Postures in Life
Part 2 – Relationship
The Power of Relationship: Relationship is destiny
Healing the Fire Within: Revealing your heart
The Heart of the Matter: Recovering your heart
The Mind and the Heart
Part 3 - Regaining Your Center
Regaining your Power: Your own healing journey
Inner and Outer Will
Another Approach to Your Ego
Direction: Knowing what is in your heart
Sin: Separation from your Inner Nature
Who carries the responsibility for your life?
Addiction: What are you addicted to in your life?
Overcoming Addiction
Taking Care of What You Hold in your Heart
Putting it all Together
Excerpt from
Who carries the responsibility for your life?
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Mother Teresa
There are two kinds of responsibility. The first kind of responsibility is a given. We are born with it. It is our own responsibility for our life, for how we feel,
for what we experience and what we do with our lives. No one can take this responsibility away from us. It is our life. We are the ones that ultimately experience it and reap the
rewards and consequences of our actions.
The second kind of responsibility is learned. Someone taught us to do the chores, to take out the garbage, to go to school and later to work. These were not the
choices we would have made had we not been forced to accept rules, regulations and commitments. Although we may seek to avoid or even rebel from this kind of responsibility, this is
not where the greatest difficulties with responsibility lie.
The problem with responsibility occurs when we forget our primary responsibility to ourselves. It is no wonder that this happens, because we are rarely reminded to
do so. The pull instead is to be responsible outside of ourselves, and ultimately, to do what others want us to do. For our family, employers, teachers and even our friends, there is
little payoff when we start taking care of and honoring ourselves . . .