Being by Roman Oleh Yaworsky
SpiritUnleashed Publications (First printing, 2007) 9 x 6, 278 pages, acid free paper Copyright © 2007 by Roman Oleh Yaworsky
Order your copy of
Part 1 – The Foundation
Part 2 – Relationship
Part 3 - Regaining Your Center
Excerpt from Will
Your will allows you to function in the world according to your intentions and in harmony with your feelings. Will tends to be associated with the throat area and the throat chakra. Along with will, this area of the throat is also associated with self worth and creativity. When you express your will, your voice is strong and resonant. Do you know how will, self worth and creativity are related? They all come from being centered. You experience will in the heart, in the creative freedom of the moment. When you are in your heart, you have the freedom to express your will, your intentions, your value and your creative play. There is, as well, an anatomical relationship between the will and the heart. The nerves that control the heart, lungs, arms and chest all originate in the neck, which as we have mentioned, is associated with will. In fact, the neck acts as a kind of coordinating center for much of our posture and expression. If you have ever watched a cat fall from a height, you will see he first orients his neck, and then place his body and feet towards the direction of landing. First the neck aligns, then the rest of the body. The neck defines how the head, posture and stance are held. For this reason, when people hold back their will, that holding manifests itself as a drooping head and body posture. In the same manner, when you re-connect to your core, activating and aligning your posture, you reveal a strong will . . .
All text and Graphics are Copyright © 2007-2014 by Roman Oleh Yaworsky. No reproduction by any means is permitted.